4 Music-Loving Kitties Come To Listen To Street Singer Everyone Else Ignored

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This Malaysian busker was about to call it day, as not many people gathered around to hear him sing. Just as he started to sing for fun, the cutest little audience showed up… A group of four 3 month old kittens came to show their support!

“Suddenly, the kittens (3 months old) come and sit in front of him, he continued, it’s like [they] know his feeling and give him support,” the owner of the video wrote online. “The kittens be his audience till the end and he thanked the kittens for watching his performance.” The best part? At one point, the kittens started to bobble their fuzzy little heads along with the beat!

More info: Facebook (h/t)


Watch how the kittens reacted to his music below:

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