Prince Threw MAJOR Shade At Justin Bieber Just Before He Died

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It wasn’t too long ago that Justin Bieber angered Prince fans by making a somewhat tactless comment about the star shortly after his passing. To fill you in, songwriter Andrew Watt posted an Instagram tribute to Prince in which he described the fallen star as “the last of the greatest living performers.”

Biebs then commented underneath saying “Well not the last greatest living performer, sorry”. The world promptly lost it’s mind at Bieber’s comment, which clearly caused widespread outrage.

Prince and Justin

Now, in the first ever case of beyond the grave tit-for-tat, it has been revealed that Prince was not much of a Bieber fan either. In fact he had some quips of his own to make.

On Monday, Rolling Stone magazine released a lost interview which Prince had given a little while before his death. In the interview Prince fired shots at current popular artists, specifically mentioning Justin Bieber.

Continue to the next page to find out what Prince actually thought of Bieber. Biebs fans, brace yourselves, you’re not going to like this, because the latest on Justin Bieber is that Prince didn’t like him.

The post Prince Threw MAJOR Shade At Justin Bieber Just Before He Died appeared first on Viral Thread.

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