Black Man Racially Abused At Slavery Museum And This Is How Passers-By Reacted

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Trollstation are back and this time they are tackling the tough subject of racism. If you haven’t heard of these guys before, they make thought-provoking social experiment videos and recently did a brilliant job of tackling workplace sexism. This time round they set up shop at Liverpool’s International Slavery Museum, posing as two members of the public.

The footage shows one white man openly abusing a black man, with members of the public stepping in to come to the victim’s aid. With the white man hurling various insulting phrases loud enough for other people to hear, it was only a matter of time before a good Samaritan stepped up to the plate.


The Liverpool Echo reports that at one point, the white man says, “It would have been better if the white people were slaves because we actually work better.” He continues: “You were slaves for a reason mate.”

The video itself is on the next page and makes for some pretty interesting viewing. Prepare to be shocked and impressed in equal measure.

The post Black Man Racially Abused At Slavery Museum And This Is How Passers-By Reacted appeared first on Viral Thread.

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