Here’s How Much A First Edition Charizard Pokemon Card Is Worth Now

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Pokémon used to be such a simple and brilliant pursuit as a child, but it seems times have changed. What used to be a great way for kids to have fun has now become all about the colour of money. I remember spending hours on my Game Boy Color, frantically defeating gym leaders and levelling up my Pokémon – what a time to be alive.

Nowadays though, Pokémon (and all the memorabilia from the good old days) has become big business. Collecting the trading cards used to be a fanatical pastime for most kids my age, but now they are all glued to smartphones and tablets. Well if you’re short of cash, then your old Pokémon cards might be able to do you one last good turn.


No, no, no, I’m not suggesting that you build yourself a fire and use your treasured cards as kindling. It actually turns out that a 1st edition Charizard card will go for an awful lot of money on eBay.

The post Here’s How Much A First Edition Charizard Pokemon Card Is Worth Now appeared first on Viral Thread.

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