McDonald’s Make Huge Menu Change At ‘Restaurant Of The Future’

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Everybody stop what you are doing because we have just heard the most mental news of 2016. If you were battling with a serious bout of the Monday blues this morning, this may not be the case for much longer. Why? I hear you ask. Well because McDonald’s have just released some pretty big news.

The world’s largest and most universally adored fast-food chain is going to trial something truly epic; ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT FRENCH FRIES! Let’s all just take a moment to let that groundbreaking revelation sink in…


…OK. Moment over.

The fried food Gods have finally heard my cries and are gracing the world with bottomless cartons of one of the planet’s most loved hangover cures. However, sadly it’s not all good news because the McDonald’s “franchise of the future” will not be pushed out globally. On the contrary, it’s only happening in one restaurant in the world. That’s right, ONE! But where?

The post McDonald’s Make Huge Menu Change At ‘Restaurant Of The Future’ appeared first on Viral Thread.

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