Ronda Rousey Threatens To Beat Up Kim Kardashian

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If you could punch one celebrity in the world and get away with it, who would it be? Personally, I’d take Piers Morgan and give him the thrashing of his life – he totally deserves it for all the slimy things he’s done in his life. Alternatively, I’d quite like to smack Ben Affleck between the eyes. Why? If you’ve seen the film Daredevil, you’ll know what I mean.

Someone obviously asked the same question to MMA darling Ronda Rousey recently, because she also gave the name of the celebrity she’d most like to lay out. I’ll give you a quick clue; it’s a woman and she’s a pain in the ass. You guessed it, it’s our favourite talentless celeb… Kim K.

Ronda Rousey’s got some choice words for Kim Kardashian


In a recent interview, the former MMA champion reportedly attacked Kim, saying…


“You know what? I would beat the crap out of Kim Kardashian actually.”


Rousey went on to say that she dislikes Kim because she’s just famous for making a sex tape and not a lot else


The post Ronda Rousey Threatens To Beat Up Kim Kardashian appeared first on Viral Thread.

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