Tom Hardys MMA Work Out For Warrior Looks Absolutely Insane

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Tom Hardy is a legend. Fact. Why? Well firstly, he’s a bloody brilliant actor and secondly, he is unbelievably easy on the eye – just one look and a straight man will go weak at the knees.

The Oscar nominee is a chameleon when it comes to his acting ability. Looking at his impressive resumé of roles, from Bane to Bronson, Mad Max Rockatansky to Reggie Kray, there is something for everyone to enjoy.


Over the last few years, the Englishman has catapulted to global fame and today is adored by the masses. However, if you were under the illusion that since he “made it in Hollywood’ his job became easier, you would be wrong. Hardy has been known to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to bring the characters he plays on screen to life in the mesmerising way that he does.

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It is no secret that he is committed to his craft. Arguably the most dramatic example of this was how he transformed his body to get into shape for the movie Warrior. Those muscles didn’t come overnight, they required round-the-clock workouts seven days a week and a whole lot of sweat….

The post Tom Hardy’s MMA Work Out For Warrior Looks Absolutely Insane appeared first on Viral Thread.

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