Mum Sees Baby’s Face And Refuses To Keep Him, Then The Nurse Did The Unthinkable

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When baby Adam was born he looked a little different to the other kids in the hospital wing. In fact, he looked vastly different to the majority of newborns. Adam entered the world with no nose or hands, he had no eyelids and his legs were fused together.

However, in other areas he was perfectly healthy – he had no problem with his brain, lungs or heart, yet his parents decided they didn’t want him. Furthermore, they didn’t just refuse to take him home. They told doctors if they forced them, they would poison him. Why? Because they would be ashamed.

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Before you all lose your faith in humanity entirely, I should mention that there was a guardian angel looking over Adam that day. Actually, there were two. Find out who they were and what they did on the next page.

The post Mum Sees Baby’s Face And Refuses To Keep Him, Then The Nurse Did The Unthinkable appeared first on Viral Thread.

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