Obama Spits Hot Fire: Rap On The Death Of Osama Bin Laden

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It has been five years since Osama bin Laden, the founder and head of the Islamist group Al-Qaeda, was assassinated. Yet many of us remember the moment that President Obama announced the news like it were yesterday.

It seems only fair we mark the death of the man who brought so much pain and suffering into countless people’s lives in some way. How about with a spoof video of the US President’s speech? That should do the job.

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The video was first posted online half a decade ago and features actor-impressionist, dancer and part-time internet rap sensation, Iman Crosson. He spits hot fire as a suave looking Obama, check it out on the next page…

The post Obama Spits Hot Fire: Rap On The Death Of Osama Bin Laden appeared first on Viral Thread.

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