You Won’t Believe What The Shermanator From American Pie Is Up To Now

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Everyone remembers American Pie, right? The movie franchise fuelled many of our childhoods. Even though it’s been almost two decades since the initial movie came from nowhere and hit it big time, we still can’t get enough it. Yes you read that correctly, it’s been 17 years. How old do you feel?

The raunchy comedy was great for a variety of reasons, but mainly it was all down to the characters – from the cocksure Stifler to the never-ending array of hapless virgins. Talking of hapless virgins, arguably the film’s greatest character was Chuck ‘The Shermanator’ Sherman. By the looks of things, his luck with the ladies might have finally turned around.


The “sophisticated sex robot”suffered from all the classic teenage problems we prayed we would never suffer from growing up. He was the cliche 90s geek but clearly this isn’t the case any more.

Take a trip over to the next page to see what the wannabe ladies man is up to now…

The post You Won’t Believe What The Shermanator From American Pie Is Up To Now appeared first on Viral Thread.

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