Steve Harvey Kept This Secret From His Wife For 9 Years, When He Finally Told The Truth, She Broke Down

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Steve Harvey was most recently in the news for a rather embarrassing reason. The American talk show host infamously announced the incorrect winner of Miss Universe 2015, causing the internet to ridicule him to the extreme. This time however, Harvey is in the news for all the right reasons, with not a single leggy model in sight.

Harvey recently invited his wife of nine years, Marjorie Bridges, onto his show for a week-long guest spot. The reason? Harvey intended to mums across the nation in the run up to Mother’s Day. What nobody knew, not even wife Marjorie, was that Harvey had an emotional confession to make live on-air.


So what did Steve have to say so publicly, and only days before Mother’s Day? Well on the next page we have the footage in full, and trust me, you’ll need a tissue or three.

The post Steve Harvey Kept This Secret From His Wife For 9 Years, When He Finally Told The Truth, She Broke Down appeared first on Viral Thread.

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