9 Tragic Marvel Movie Mistakes That You’ll Never Be Able To Unsee

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Marvel movies are massively successful films that make billions of dollars at the box office. I’m not joking: if you take every single Marvel movie ever made into account, they’ve collectively grossed a grand total of $8,595,698,813. That’s a hell of a lot of money.

So you’d think that with so much cash and manpower behind each film, there would be little to no chance of any mistakes slipping through the net. That’s where you’d be sorely mistaken, if the following list is anything to go by. Marvel fans, beware: once we point out these glaring mistakes, you’ll never see your favourite films in the same way again.

1. Iron Man

Does Iron Man’s ear have blood-sucking abilities?


2. Spider-Man

Spider-Man throws a lamp across the room with his web, and it suddenly reappears.


3. Iron Man

Where’s your earpiece gone, Gwyneth?


4. Spider-Man 2

I’m pretty certain Spider-Man didn’t invent a self-cleaning mask.


Head over to the next page for more blindingly obvious movie mistakes, including a blatant spelling gaffe and a magically repairing car.

The post 9 Tragic Marvel Movie Mistakes That You’ll Never Be Able To Unsee appeared first on Viral Thread.

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