Chris Brown Just Threw Serious Shade At Ex Rihanna

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Chris Brown and Rihanna are one of the most talked about couples of the decade. Their turbulent two year relationship has almost given them more fame than their actual careers, fuelling tabloid headlines worldwide. But eight years on and they are still making a stir on social media as their on-and-off relationship has been evident on Instagram and Twitter.

‘Breezy’ and ‘RiRi’ have both opened up in recent interviews about how they will always care for one another. Brown, who has now served his sentence for assaulting Rihanna in 2009, is still vocal on his feelings for the singer – but this time less complimentary. Last night he slammed his former lover on Twitter in a diss over the run-up for the Viewers Choice Awards.



The top three contestants for the Black Entertainment Television top award were Beyonce, Rihanna and Brown. Usually Brown would show his support for his ex, but this time he went above and beyond. In only using two words and an emoji, he caused havoc on Twitter with his diss. Click the next page to find out how he threw shade at Ri.

The post Chris Brown Just Threw Serious Shade At Ex Rihanna appeared first on Viral Thread.

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