People Are Saying 50 Cent Is A Time Traveller After This 160,000 Year Old Man Is His Double

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We love a celebrity look-alike here at Viral Thread, and this one we’ve found is no exception. From Jay Z to Nicholas Cage, plenty of evidence has been found that the stars have had doppelgängers in previous lives. It’s basically evidence that time travel exists, and when you see this picture you’ll totally agree.

Time Travelling Celebrities is a movement in its own right, with Jay Z’s 1930’s equivalent being the most popular. It’s almost spooky how similar they look!


But what we’re about to show you dates way further back… 160,000 years back in fact. Head over to the next page to find out who the next time travelling celebrity is. You just can’t miss the similarities.

The post People Are Saying 50 Cent Is A Time Traveller After This 160,000 Year Old Man Is His Double appeared first on Viral Thread.

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