Vitamin B17 Is Banned Because It Cures Cancer!

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The major health organizations do their best to hide the anticancer properties of vitamin B17 and keep people in the dark.

Food and Drug Administration, American Cancer Society and American Medical Association have stopped people from writing books, making films, and even taking participations in public meetings on this subject.

What`s more, doctors who have tried to save people`s lives with the help of this vitamin have been prosecuted!

Vitamin B17 Is Banned Because It Cures Cancer!

But, one woman decided to deal with her disease herself, using an alternative treatment.  She began to take vitamin B17 and her cancer responded to this treatment shortly after she begun administration.

However, her cancer returned immediately after she stopped taking the vitamin. For those who are not well familiar with vitamin B17, it is a concentrated form of apricot kernels and it provides many health benefits when administered in the right dose.

This woman didn’t undergo chemotherapy and decided to stay with vitamin B17 instead. As unbelievable as it seems, in ten weeks of administering 500 mg two times a day five malignant tumors were destroyed and she was cancer free!


Credits:besthealthyguide, source
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