Politician Mike Webb REALLY Should Have Checked His Tabs Before Posting This Screenshot

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Virginia congressional candidate Mike Webb may be all clued up on political policy. However, he’s clearly not up-to-date on the rules you must abide by if you’re screenshotting your computer screen. The number one principle of behaviour being: ALWAYS CHECK YOUR TABS!

Evidently, this particular politician didn’t get the memo and he revealed a little too much information about what he likes to get up to in his free time. He posted the image of his desktop to Facebook and, as expected, the internet was quick to alert him to his epic blunder.


Have you guessed what wince-worthy tabs he left open? Wonder no more; take a trip over to the next page to find out what Webb let slip…

The post Politician Mike Webb REALLY Should Have Checked His Tabs Before Posting This Screenshot appeared first on Viral Thread.

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